Thursday, November 20, 2014

Mom and Dad are married

I want to say: Do you like it?

That's my mom and dad. They're dancing. And also I did it. Savin. And do you like the pink dress? And the purple shirt and pants? And do you like the hearts? They are loving each other. And also: bye bye! I'm going to dance. And my mom's going to watch. The end!


  1. I Like it ALL!! Amber says- I love you.. yeah that is it.

    Thank you Savin for sending the picture to Amber in the mail. She loves it !!

  2. Wow. She is GOOD! Dancing pictures are hard. I love this one!

    1. Thank you! And the next one that's in my room is when they fall in love and then they say "Hello! We're friends! We're gonna be friends foreveeeeeerrrrrr!" (mom note: it turned into a song real quick)
